Record turnout predicted

EU Referendum Tunbridge Wells 2

Tomorrow’s EU Referendum is expected to see one of the biggest turnouts on record across the borough, with some 84,000 people likely to be making their views known.

There are just over 105,000 people eligible to vote and this newspaper is estimating that around 80 per cent of that electorate will actually put a cross on a ballot paper.

Since the 2001 General Election, when 62 per cent voted, there has been a gradual increase in the turnout resulting in 70 per cent for the 2015 election at just over 73,000 people.

And the Referendum has led to an unprecedented level of political activity by the Remain camp and the Brexiteers which is expected to push that percentage even higher.

Both sides have been out in force over the last couple of days and both believe they are on track for victory.

Leave campaigner Thomas Pritchard said: “The polls are all going the right way. We have been working hard to spread the word in Tunbridge Wells itself as well as online on social media and we know that has been working.”

Remain campaigner Husnara Begum said: “It’s definitely swinging in our favour compared with two weeks ago. We have been on the stalls and we feel there has been a definite change. Maybe it’s the ‘undecideds’ who are starting to think that it’s better to remain in.”

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