Runners raise more than £50k on hospice run in the sunshine

Pepenbury Wingwalk 2

The sun was shining as more than 600 runners descended upon Tunbridge Wells Common on Sunday morning to take part in the Hospice in the Weald’s tenth anniversary 10km run.

By giving up their weekend lie-in, they raised more than £50,000 towards the £7million needed to provide the hospice’s services each year.

Luke Jones, 24, ran five days after the first anniversary of his mother Sue Brewer’s passing at the hospice a year ago.

He said: “My aim was to do something to remember her and at the same time raise money to enable other patients to get the same wonderful care my mum received.”

Team Karen, a group of teachers, friends and staff from Claremont school, raised £7,000 in memory of colleague Karen Windley, who died this year.

Mrs Windley’s mother Jenny Jones gave roses to everyone who ran in memory of her daughter.

Hospice in the Weald spokesman Becca Hill said: “The weather couldn’t have been better and we were so delighted at the number of people from our community that supported our ten-year anniversary 10K.

“Every donation we receive, no matter the size, makes a difference so it was wonderful to see so many supporting, running and raising money for their local hospice.”

Pictures from Sam Jones

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