Shop opens in town centre to give ex-female inmates a second chance

Shop opens in town centre to give ex-female inmates a second chance

#SheMatters, on Monson Road, stocks artwork and will also sell good quality second-hand clothing for women and girls.

But the shop’s main purpose is to provide voluntary work placements for women who are leaving or have just left prison.

“We want to remove the stigma from people,” said shop manager Rachael Quao. “We want to give them hope and help them have a positive experience of work.

“Our team is made up of women, paid and voluntary staff from Tunbridge Wells and the surrounding areas.”

And she added that the project was eager to attract local women to volunteer in the sunny shop alongside the other women.

#SheMatters is a project started by the Imago Dei prison ministry charity, which works with women in prison as well as after their sentences, through courses, mentoring and pastoral support.

To underline this message, the special guest cutting the ribbon last Saturday (July 23) was Claire, who had served two prison sentences before turning her life around.

She said her past had often shocked people recalling attending an occupational health managers’ course several years ago.

“The instructor told the group that only the worst of the worst people end up in prison and they don’t, in his experience, ever change,” remembered Claire.

“You can imagine how shocked he was when I then told the group I had served two prison sentences during my twenties – I am now 52.

“The lady who had asked him the question thanked me at the end… her brother was in prison and it gave her hope that she had met me.”

Claire stressed that women in prison could be anyone from any walk of life.

“It could be your daughter in a violent relationship. It could be your mother who turns to drugs because of mental health challenges. It could be your grandmother who refuses to pay council tax as a matter of principle.

“I was in prison with some of those women. Would they be the worst of the worst that they could never change or be helped? Be curious ask the questions, and don’t be afraid come and talk.”

#SheMatters opened on Saturday (July 23) at 10 Monson Road and will initially trade between 9:30am-4:30pm Monday to Saturday.

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