What did Conservative members think of the two PM candidates?

What did Conservative members think of the two PM candidates?

Cllr Paul Roberts sits on Tunbridge Wells Borough Council and favours Liz Truss for the leader’s job.

“Rishi was minister for seven years, two as chancellor, and his speeches highlight he is a man of the people,” he said. “When pushed on leading the country his experience as chancellor stands out.

“However, he falls short in many other areas with his overly safe and austere mantra; one wonders what could lie ahead under his leadership.”

He continued: “Liz similarly approaches her speeches as a woman of the people. Liz has far more experience in politics (12 years) and this comes across when answering questions though can’t match Rishi in the treasury arena.

“It does, however, feel like she is slightly more capable of leading with integrity, delegating and managing those around her with a tenacity to deliver for the people. She has an optimistic, reflective and progressive outlook and boy do we need that. For me these latter qualities swing it towards Liz.”


David Scott, a former councillor at Tunbridge Wells Borough Council, was also at both meetings.

He told the Times: “Stimulating growth is clearly the answer [to the country’s problems] – everyone agrees. Protecting the most vulnerable is also obvious.

“Rishi takes more cautious but innovative approaches. Liz is higher risk, with more money into the economy.

“In a complex society both are right, with the economy needing timely rebalancing. Too much money increases inflation risks, too little, risks slowing growth.

“Higher interest rates, with inflation built into them, converts inflation of values (house prices) into an immediate major cashflow issue of higher monthly mortgage repayments. Why can’t we adjust the outstanding balance instead?

“Who do I support – the one who can lead us through the problems with dynamic leadership, trust and confidence. I am a risk taker and an innovator. I also look for compassion and willingness to progress on our core values.”

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