‘Buying Fairtrade ensures farmers are being paid a fair price and supported with the challenges of a changing climate’

Tunbridge Wells is currently celebrating Fairtrade Fortnight. On until March 12, the town’s Fairtrade Fortnight events have been focusing on biodiversity and the climate crisis. Here, Mandy Flashman-Wells, the local spokesperson for Fairtrade Town Group explains a little more about this year’s project and how you can get involved…   Fairtrade Fortnight 2023 is once […]

Ant Man movie lacks bite

The Marvel hero is eclipsed by his team, says Times Film Reviewer Matthew Dann…   I MUST start this review with an admission. I am, generally speaking, not the biggest fan of Marvel films, which I find often tell the same story, with only a change of characters. However, they are big movies with an […]

Creating the look of luxe

If you’re looking to inject some effortless style and glamour into your home then you’ll definitely be inspired by Vanessa Morgan’s work. Here the interior designer who runs the Speldhurst-based Ven Morgan design company speaks to Eileen Leahy about her unique and stylish vision…   Vanessa, when and why did you get into the wonderful […]

‘I love the challenge of trying to write a beautiful sentence…’

Film maker, author and resident of Tunbridge Wells, Michael Waterhouse has just published his new novel, ‘The Ladder’. Here he tells Eileen Leahy about what inspired his latest book. He also talks about his previous work, which includes another novel, ‘Prodigal’ and the Emmy-nominated film, ‘The Bible’   So Michael how did you get into […]

Celebrating the best of the dark side this February

February is the month we celebrate and showcase the best dark beers we can find here at Fuggles. From decadent dessert-inspired stouts, through to classic dark lagers, there’s a whole range of delicious treats out there – and something for all tastes. So while the weather is still cold and the days short, it’s the […]

‘It truly is one of the best Agatha Christie plays…’

Trinity Theatre Club will perform its production of Agatha Christie’s Witness for the Prosecution from Wednesday March 1 to March 4. Here the show’s director Sandra Barfield tells Eileen Leahy all about this compelling Whodunnit…   Why did you decide to do Witness for the Prosecution as a production? That is quite a complex question […]

Love, treachery, obsession and betrayal – Bizet’s passionate opera has it all…

For the first time in its history, on March 12 the Ukrainian National Opera is coming to Tunbridge Wells as part of a UK-wide tour, with the premiere of Bizet’s spectacular opera, Carmen. Here, its producer Alexej Ignatow tells Eileen Leahy what audiences can expect from this terrific show…   Alexej Ignatow is the director […]

Pace yourself on the path to good health

With January safely over, now could be the time to set long-term health goals for the year and beyond, says health and wellbeing expert Monica Price….   January is the winter month known for setting New Year’s resolutions, starting a new diet, and contemplating changes to improve your health and wellbeing. Yet, rather than setting […]


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