This year’s panto, Mother Goose, takes place in the village hall on Friday and Saturday, January 10-11 – but organisers warn it could be the last one. HADS Chairman Nigel Roberts said: “After 36 years, could this be Hadlow’s last pantomime? Since 1984 we have presented a pantomime on the second weekend in January.
“However, due to proposed work at Hadlow Primary School to build a new swimming pool, their present storage facility, where they also prepare and paint their scenery, might have to be demolished.
“To cover this eventuality, they are looking for a possible alternative storage unit which must be dry, have electricity and running water, plus an area of about 500 square feet which can be outside as it is at present, where the scenery can be prepared.
“If the demolition goes ahead next summer, the loss of the panto will disappoint not only the thousands of people who have made up the audiences over the years, but end an involvement of over 300 members, young and old, who have performed in their productions.”
Actor Charlotte Campbell, who plays Principal Boy Robin, told the Times: “The fact that this may be HADS’ last panto is a devastating thought.
“My first panto with HADS was just over ten years ago, when I was 14. It has helped me enormously, making me feel more confident for university and job interviews since qualifying as a nurse.
“I now deliver training as part of my current nursing role and I walked into my first session confidently thanks to HADS.”
She added: “I have been able to do some amazing things thanks to HADS. I want as many people as possible to have the same experience.
“HADS is a wonderful society that allows members to push themselves, make friends, have fun and show their talents on stage.
“I want others to have doors opened to them and to have that amazing feeling when an audience cheers for you as you take your bow having performed in a brilliant show – there is nothing like it.”
Mother Goose will be performed on January 10 at 8pm and January 11 at 3pm and 7.30pm. Entry costs £7 for children and £9 for adults with concessions available on Friday night. Tickets are available from Hadlow Pharmacy and East Peckham Butchers and Store.