Medical campus expands to ease patient transition

Medical campus expands to ease patient transition

THE green light has been given by Maidstone Borough Council for a 75-bed care home to be built at the Kent Medical Campus, which will focus on looking after patients well enough to leave hospital but not yet ready to return home.
The £10million ‘step down’ facility will provide 24-hour nursing accommodation for the frail and elderly consisting of a mix of rehabilitation, respite and dementia care.

The approved plans are for a 4,200 square metre building, which will be located near Junction 7 of the M20, on the edge of Maidstone, and will create more than 100 full-time equivalent jobs.
They were approved on August 2 as part of Kent Medical Campus’s existing permission to develop 98,000 square metres of floor space, resulting in a centre of excellence for health, science and education for both the borough and county.
Gary Watson, Director at JLL, the company advising Kent Medical Campus on property matters, said: “The development of a £10million new stepdown facility and care home will help those patients in need of further support after a stay in hospital.
“It offers the potential to reduce delayed discharges back into the community, making it possible to treat more patients.
“The combination of KIMS Hospital – the county’s largest independent hospital, the Cygnet Health Care facility and this new step-down development means that Kent Medical Campus is delivering on its ambition to be a centre for health to support Maidstone and the county as a whole.”

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