West Kent Volunteer Police Cadets are on the beat for Sport Relief

Pam Mills

THE Volunteer Police Cadets of West Kent stepped up to the challenge of raising money for this year’s Sport Relief.

The cadets participated in a number of activities at the East Malling Centre on March 18, including taking part in a Billion Steps Challenge.

Sport Relief set this collective task, coordinated across the country, to achieve more than a billion steps a day every day from March 17 to 23.

Police Constable Julie Michel said: “The enthusiasm and conduct of these young volunteers continues to be a real credit to every one of them.

“They have all contributed in their own way to a very worthy cause, which helps raise money for disadvantaged people across the world.”

The cadets were also on hand to help cyclists protect their bikes from theft by offering visitors a free security marking service.

The Volunteer Police Cadets scheme began in 2016 and is a uniformed organisation supported by Kent Police for young people aged 13 to 17.

The cadets meet once a week for two to three hours in term time, and also give up three hours each month to help a community-based project.

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